A professional must therefore be very determined towards management when he makes reckless requests to speed up by skipping planning processes. And on the other hand, only by analyzing and documenting the overall design of the project can a discussion with management that has a probability of success be established.
The Essential Questions
How do you respond during the work to a request to bring the end of a project forward by two months if you have not previously made a plan that allows you to analyze the impacts of this request?
- Agreeing not to spend time on planning means giving yourself over to a destiny of lost negotiations and of little business consideration.
- Might as well therefore risk some initial misunderstanding but insist on the need to agree on a plan. This will be the starting point for all subsequent negotiations with the project stakeholders and the key to success.
- The management of a project involves a series of actions aimed at optimizing the progress of the work in order to achieve the objectives agreed with the client.
It may therefore be useful to summarize the steps necessary to complete a project in the awareness that it is not an easy task and therefore a project manager is required to have adequate preparation to overcome the difficulties that inevitably arise both during the initial setting of the works, and subsequently during construction. You need the best choice with the templates for project management is there now.
The Development Options
The development of a project is in fact divided into a series of phases that structure its development and define its life cycle. These phases allow you to see a project as a series of integrated actions, each of which arise from the inputs produced in the previous phase and produces outputs that allow you to start the next phase.
In designing the work to be carried out, every project manager immediately finds himself in a position to make compatible what needs to be done with certain time, cost and quality constraints. Often this translates into a series of compromises because optimizing one of these variables inevitably entails effects on the others according to the logic of the triple bond.
In order to make these variables compatible, a project manager must have a series of indications from management on the objectives to be achieved, on the components to be achieved, on the times and costs to be respected as well as on the resources to be used. This information must be summarized in a startup document. At this point in the development of a project, the project manager must verify its feasibility by gathering the requirements and expectations from the client (or taking them from the start-up documentation).