How To Know Good SEO Experts From Bad

How To Know Good SEO Experts From Bad

There are many great search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the world who can help you optimize your website so it will rank in search engines like Google. There are also many terrible companies claiming to be experts who don’t follow through on the work you hire them for. How do you tell the difference between the two?

It doesn’t require you to learn every search engine optimization technique yourself, thankfully, but it does require you know a few things you can watch for before choosing who to hire.

What an SEO Expert Does

Experts in search engine optimization will apply optimization techniques to give the site a fighting chance in rising in the rankings on search engine result pages.

Search engines will look over websites to see how they’re laid out, check for links pointed at that page and where the page links to, and look over the content for relevant keywords. An SEO expert knows what search engines are looking for and applies optimization techniques directly to a website to help it better appeal to the search engines. They will also perform tasks like building links to the site, promote the site, and develop strategies to improve search engine results in the future.

What Makes Someone a Great Search Engine Optimization Expert
It isn’t necessary for an individual’s website to be ranked at the top of Google for them to be considered a quality SEO expert who can help you get the same results.

While it may be true that the company ranking at the top of the results for their own website is someone running a legitimate company using techniques of the highest standard, this isn’t always the case. That company may know that this is a good way to get respect, and have even hired another company to get them there. They could also be using shady techniques that will eventually get them in trouble with the search engines. Also, they may not use the techniques they are using on their own website on yours.

Instead, there are a few other things to look for.

First, you want to see that their website ranks for at least a few terms you would expect to see. Not just the main ones, but a few related terms to what their website is about in their local area. This is a good sign that they have established their website.

When you meet with a potential Googleranking expert to increase search ranking, it is not likely they will tell you all the details of what they are doing to optimize your website. No expert wants to give all their secrets away! But it is standard for them to give you some basic information and guarantees on tasks they will perform for you. If they won’t tell you anything at all about what they are going to do to optimize your website, you should not trust them.

They should have a portfolio of well ranking websites from their past customers to show you.

Bad companies have a reputation for charging some of the highest prices while offering no transparency on what optimization techniques they will be using. This is often a sign they will be doing labor intensive work using outdated SEO tips. This is a terrible combination and one you should distrust right away.

Remember, look for an SEO expert who offers you some information on their techniques, has a website that ranks for a variety of terms, and who has a rich portfolio of customers they’ve helped get established on Google.


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